eduPersonTargetedID (ePTID)

Posted by Cirrus Learning Center Team on Aug 15, 2023 1:07:28 PM

About eduPersonTargetedID

Customers often have questions about the attribute eduPersonTargetedID (ePTID), which is sometimes used in SAML SSO assertions. Here are answers to common questions.

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PGP Encryption Cheat-Sheet

Posted by Cirrus Learning Center Team on Aug 1, 2023 10:06:09 AM

REV 1.0

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Topics: Implementation

Cirrus Highlights from TNC 2023

Posted by Cirrus Customer Success on Jul 20, 2023 11:38:23 AM

How Was TNC Mary McKee?

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Cirrus Website Login Button is Changing

Posted by Cirrus Customer Success on Jul 20, 2023 11:25:37 AM

Cirrus Customers -

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Enabling LinkedIn’s OIDC Authentication

Posted by Cirrus Learning Center Team on Jun 7, 2023 2:06:37 PM

Table of Contents 


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Picking a Good Value for an eduPersonPrincipalName

Posted by Cirrus Learning Center Team on May 22, 2023 12:44:20 PM

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How To Perform a SAML Trace

Posted by Cirrus Learning Center Team on Apr 19, 2023 1:08:00 PM

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How to Set Up REFEDS MFA Profile

Posted by Cirrus Learning Center Team on Apr 18, 2023 1:52:38 PM

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Multilateral Federation Solutions by Microsoft

Posted by Cirrus Learning Center Team on Apr 14, 2023 10:38:39 AM

Microsoft has published a new Azure AD document outlining the challenges, baseline design and solutions for multilateral federation that highlights the Cirrus Identity SAML Bridge as the first solution. Multilateral federation facilitates collaboration across multiple organizations around the world and it is a critical component to Identity and Access Management architecture in higher education and research. When an institution joins an eduGAIN national federation, they gain access to over 5,000 applications. Azure AD does not support multilateral federation, but there are solutions available to fill the gap.  

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Mark’s Assertions - eduPersonScopedAffiliation

Posted by Mark Rank on Aug 12, 2022 9:51:29 AM


Many service providers (SPs) rely on externalized, attribute based access control (ABAC) to manage what end users can do. In research and academia, it is very common for an individual to have multiple relationships with an institution at the same time – any combination of student, employee, and alumni. A common way to reflect  this for access control is to use the eduPerson ( attribute called eduPersonScopedAffiliation. 

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