
Attribute Transformation Tools for Conditional Access

Written by Cirrus Product Documentation | May 24, 2023 4:51:26 PM

Customers who use the Cirrus Conditional Access Bridge control attribute naming and the release of attributes from their Azure AD or Okta tenants.  Oftentimes they ask Cirrus for guidance with setting up their attributes.  The following are attribute questions we are often asked during implementations, along with suggested solutions.

Note: Azure AD refers to attributes as claims.  The examples provided below are from Cirrus’ Azure AD test environment, so I use the word claim.  However, the words claim and attribute mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably in this document.

How do I separate an attribute that is represented as one string with delimited values so that it is asserted as a  multi-valued attribute?

For example, in Azure AD, I have a claim named affiliation. Its value is a single string composed of a list of variables.  See the example below.

I need the claim, affiliation, represented as multi-valued rather than one string value. Cirrus has created rules to do this. 

Cirrus Claim Splitter Rules

Use Case 

Claim Name

Example Claim Value

Used to split a claim with a value of one string composed of a list of delimited values into a list of separate values.

Specify the separator.  The rule will look for a comma as the default if the separator is not explicitly included.

Specify the claim(s) you wish to split. Claims should be separated with a semicolon

The result will be the claim is split, and multi-valued. 

White space around split values is removed.

In the example, the claims use '|' as the separator. The values of attr1 and attr2 will be split into lists.


separator=|, claims= attr1; attr2

Used to split a claim with a value of one string composed of a list of delimited values. 

However, the resulting list is stored in another claim. The original claim’s value and format do not change.

In the example, the value of claim csvAttr1 is split and stored in csvAttr2 and otherAttribute. csvAttr1 remains unchanged.   Target claims are separated with ‘|’



Used to split a claim with a value of one string composed of a list of delimited values. 

The resulting list is stored in both a new claim and the original claim.

In the example, attr3 is split and stored in both newName and attr3



Here is how to apply the Cirrus rules to split the claim, affiliation, (from the above example) into a multi-valued variable:

Add the following claim and save.

Below is the resulting assertion with affiliation now multi-valued.  The rules are automatically applied when the Cirrus Bridge sends an SP the AuthN attribute bundle.

I can also keep the claim affiliation unchanged and create a new claim, affiliationNew, to contain the split values.

Using Cirrus rules, I add the following claim instead and saved it.

Upon authentication with the rule in place, there is a new claim, affiliationNew. 

Here is what the assertion of affiliationNew looks like.


The original claim, affiliation, did not change.

Often, scope is added to claim to create eduPersonScopedAffiliation.  Cirrus has a rule to help you build a claim with scope.  See ‘How do I add scope to an Azure AD claim?’

How do I add scope to an attribute?

For simple cases in an Azure AD environment, you should use Azure AD’s Claim Transformation Join() to append a scope to a claim value. 

For simple cases in an Okta environment, you should use Okta’s "append" rule to append a scope to an attribute value.

There are a couple of cases where using the Cirrus Scope Appender rule is needed for both environments.

  • The scope to add varies by user.
  • The scope needs to be added after another Cirrus rule is run.

Cirrus has developed the following rules to enable you to append scope to a claim. 

Cirrus Scope Appender Rules

Use Case 

Claim Name

Example Claim Value

Used to append scope to the value of a claim.

If not specified, scope is derived from urn:oid: (eduPersonPricipalName)

In the example, the affil attributes will get the scope from urn:oid: (ePPN) added to it - this is useful in cases where the scope can vary by individual / identity



Used to append scope to the value of a claim where scope needs to be derived from a claim other than ePPN.

When the operator => is used values are copied from the original claim to a new claim but the original claim is not changed.

In the example, the scope is found from the value of claim scope1 . Scope is added to entitlement and to the values of affil but stored in scopedAffil. No changes are made to affil.


attributes=affil=>scopedAffil; entitlement, scopeAttribute = scope1

Used to append scope to the value of a claim where scope needs to be explicitly assigned.

When the operator ==> is used values are copied from the original claim to a new claim AND the original claim is also updated.

In the example, the scope is and the claim entitlement is scoped and stored both in the claim entitlement and a new claim scopedEnt


attributes=; entitlement==>scopedEnt, scope =

Here is an example use case using the append scope rules. In this example, my claim only has a single value to which I want to append scope.  It is not multi-valued.

I need to add scope to the value of a claim, affiliation, but I only want to store the scoped value in a new claim, urn:oid: (eduPersonScopedAffiliation), and I need to explicitly specify the scope as ‘’.

Here is what the claim with the scope append rule would look like in Azure AD.

The resulting attributes released would look like the following:

Affiliation is unchanged and there is a new attribute named urn:oid: with a scoped value of

What if I need to split a claim AND append scope to it?

When using the split and append scope rules together you need to specify the order the rules should execute.

If you are splitting and appending, you will need to perform the split first. Order of operations is indicated in the name of the claim. The name of the claim for the split rule would change from claim.rule.split to claim.rule.1 and the value would need to include rule=split. 

Here is a use case that splits a claim and adds scope to it.

The claim affiliation (pic below) has the value of a single string composed of a list of variables. I need to split the claim so that it is multi-valued, append a scope derived from ePPN to the values and store the scoped values in a new claim called urn:oid:

Here is how to use the split and append scope rules to meet the use case requirements.

First, I will add the rule to split the claim and indicate I want this rule to process first.

Here is what that claim with the ordered split rule looks like in Azure AD.

Here are those claims in the assertion with the rule applied.

Next, we need to append the scope to the multivalued list and store it in in a new claim called urn:oid: (eduPersonScopedAffiliation.)

The claim with the rule to append the scope should execute second, so we will need to represent it as claim.rule.2 and add rule=appendScope to the value.

Here is what the claim with the appendScope rule looks like in Azure AD:

Note: This used ePPN for the scope, which is the default setting.

Below are the asserted claims with the rules applied. 

Affiliation is multivalued but with no appended scope.

A new claim, urn:oid: (eduPersonScopedAffiliation), is created with the scoped values from the claim affiliation. The scope was derived from urn:oid: (eduPersonPrincipalName a.k.a. ePPN) shown.