
Identity Verification and Account Linking, Cirrus Identity Hosted (Campus API)

Written by Cirrus Product Documentation | Apr 4, 2022 11:13:23 PM


When deploying authentication based Cirrus Account Linking, many times organizations want to use some form of a knowledge based verification (KBV) solution. Cirrus Identity currently supports both the organization hosting their own KBV solution, or Cirrus Identity can host as ID Verify form that leverages an API provided by the organization. This article outlines the capabilities the API provided by the organization should have to enable integration with the Cirrus ID Verify form without organization specific customization. 


General Requirements

The Cirrus ID Verify form currently supports a REST based API authenticated using HTTP Basic authentication for access control. The API responds with JSON formatted data when calls are made to the following endpoints.


Basic Operation

The APIs have the following constraints:

  1. The hosted ID Verify form supports the HTTP Basic-Auth header. The form does not currently support the HTTP X-Api-Key header. Contact Cirrus Identity Support (see for other supported authentication methods.
  2. All API calls originate from Cirrus Identity servers. The end user browser agent does not make any API calls.

The "/questions" endpoint

The /questions endpoint of the API controls the types of questions and the allowable values that can be provided by the end user. 


Note about handling dates

For the /questions endpoint, the "date" question type can be presented in any date format supported by JavaScript (see The request to the /answers endpoint will always format the date value in an RFC-3339 / ISO-8601 format (for example "yyyy-mm-dd").


Note about verifiedEmail question type

For the /questions endpoint, the verifiedEmail question type will perform a verification check to ensure the end user had control of the associated mailbox. The check will send a message to the mailbox that contains a six-digit number. The correct number must be entered before the post to the /answers endpoint will be submitted. 


Note about headers and footers

The /questions response can have a header and/or footer property formatted using basic markdown ( Styling can be further adjusted by contacting Cirrus Identity Support (see

The following is an example of the JSON response on an HTTP-GET to the /questions endpoint, and outlines the supported question types currently supported by the Cirrus ID Verify form.  


JSON response from the /questions endpoint:


 "questions": [


     "property": "FirstName",

     "required": true,

     "type": "string",

     "label": "First Name",

     "constraints": {

       "minSize": 1,

       "maxSize": 35




     "property": "LastName",

     "required": true,

     "type": "string",

     "label": "Last Name",

     "constraints": {

       "minSize": 1,

       "maxSize": 35




     "property": "DOB",

     "required": true,

     "type": "date",

     "label": "Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)",

     "constraints": { "format": "dd/mm/YYYY" }



     "property": "email",

     "required": true,

     "type": "verifiedEmail",

     "label": "Email Address"



     "property": "UndergradYear",

     "required": true,

     "type": "select",

     "label": "Undergraduate Degree Year",

     "constraints": {

       "range": "1917..2016"




     "property": "Program",

     "required": true,

     "type": "select",

     "label": "Program",

     "constraints": {

       "options": {

         "U-AH": "Undergraduate Art and Humanities",

         "U-Bus": "Undergraduate Business",

         "U-EMS": "Undergraduate Engineering, Math, and Science",

         "M": "Masters Program",

         "Law": "Law School",

         "Med": "Medical School",

         "Ed": "School of Education",

         "MBA": "MBA Program",

         "P": "PhD Program"





     "property": "IdVerification",

     "required": true,

     "type": "pick-one",

     "label": "To verify ID, select one of the following",

     "constraints": {

       "questions": [


           "property": "CampusId",

           "label": "8 Digit Campus ID",

           "type": "string",

           "constraints": {

             "minSize": 8,

             "maxSize": 8




           "property": "NationalId",

           "label": "Last 4 Digits of National ID",

           "type": "string",

           "constraints": {

             "minSize": 4,

             "maxSize": 4







 "header": {

 "markdown": "# HEADER\n\nThis is a line with a [link](\n\n*Final* header _line_",

 "align": "CENTER"


 "footer": {

 "markdown": "## FOOTER\n\n*Final* footer _line_",

 "align": "LEFT"




 There is also an option to have an either-or configuration with groups of questions. The questions can be any of the types outlined above. The structure would be as follows:
"questions": [
"property": "IdVerification",
"required": true,
"type": "either-or",
"label": "Group questions",
"constraints": {
"groups": [
"property": "Group1",
"label": "First Group",
"questions": [
"property": "LastName",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"label": "Last Name",
"constraints": {
"minSize": 1,
"maxSize": 35
"property": "ClaimCode",
"label": "16 Digit Claim Code",
"type": "string",
"constraints": {
"minSize": 16,
"maxSize": 16
"property": "Group2",
"label": "Second Group",
"questions": [
"property": "LastName",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"label": "Last Name",
"constraints": {
"minSize": 1,
"maxSize": 35
"property": "DOB",
"required": true,
"type": "date",
"label": "Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)",
"constraints": {
"format": "dd/mm/YYYY"
"property": "email",
"required": true,
"type": "verifiedEmail",
"label": "Email Address"


The "/answers" endpoint

The /answers endpoint of the API verifies the identity by processing a JSON formatted request provided by the ID Verify form and returns a JSON formatted response that either:

  • Provides the UID for the individual if the knowledge based verification was successful
  • Provides an error message if the knowledge based verification was unsuccessful

Note about business logic

The ID Verify form will only do basic question type validation and constraint checking. It is left up to the API to implement any desired business logic. For example:

  1. Validation of the formatting of strings or codes -- for example if the ID must be a nine position string starting with a "W", the ID Verify form will only check the string is nine positions long. The API must check that it begins with a "W" and return a meaningful error if not
  2. Implement VIP blocking to prevent linking for high profile or sensitive audience members
  3. Implement registration of new audience members -- the API can be implemented so that if an identity registration isn't found, a new one is created
  4. Check for brute-force-attacks against the KBV verification system (see NIST 800-63a for additional detail)

The following are examples of a request, and both an example successful and failed response when a HTTP-POST is issued to the /answers endpoint.


JSON request to the /answers endpoint:

"clientIp": "",
"answers": [
"property": "FirstName",
"value": "Connie"
"property": "LastName",
"value": "Contrail"
"property": "DOB",
"value": "1980-02-29"
"property": "UndergradYear",
"value": "2004"
"property": "Program",
"value": "U-EMS"
"property": "IdVerification.CampusId",
"value": "12345678"

JSON request to the /answers endpoint when either-or question type is used:

"clientIp": "",
"answers": [
"property": "IdVerification",
"value": {
"group": "Group1",
"groupAnswers": [
"property": "LastName",
"value": "Contrail"
"property": "ClaimCode",
"value": "1234567890123456"

Success message JSON from the /answers endpoint:


     "status": "ok",

     "uid": "aa11bbb222"



Success message JSON with additional attributes from the /answers endpoint:

"status": "ok",
"uid": "aa11bbb222",
"attributes": {
"singleAttrib": "exampleValue",
"multiAttrib": ["exampleOne", "exampleTwo"]

Error message JSON from the /answers endpoint:

The "status" property in an error response can be any value with the exception of "ok". The value has no impact on ID Verify logic.

An error can be returned as either HTTP-200, or HTTP-404 status. In either case, the ID Verify form will process the status and message.

The error message can be leveraged to provide end user feedback. The message can be dynamic and based on any business logic executed by the API. The message can also be formatted using basic markdown ( 


    "message": "A user could not be found. **You have 2 more attempt(s) before your account is locked**. click [here]( for help.",

    "status": "invalid"
